Del Norte Teacher Luis Sanchez-Martinez on National Taskforce for SHAPE America

cover of Momentum Magazine

Del Norte High School P.E. Teacher and Boy’s Soccer Coach Luis Sanchez-Martinez has been working with a task force through the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America. Their goal was to create content with the focus of recruitment and retaining teachers, and how stakeholders in the community can support students on campus.

Luis co-authored an article on how cross-sector collaborations can unlock potential for students and communities on page 13 of the Spring 2023 issue of the Society of Health and Physical Educators’ Momentum magazine. The cover of the magazine features the Del Norte Campus and on page 3, Del Norte student, Jakob Linton, received photo credit for his work. Read the entire issue here.

Luis Sanchez-Martinez, also a Del Norte High School Alumni, is featured in an interview on page 15 of the same issue.

Image of Luis Interview