Kevin Gant Receives Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

DNHS Alumni Kevin Gant Picture of Kevin Gant was recently honored by President Obama as one of the nation’s outstanding Mathematics and Science teachers. The prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is awarded to outstanding K-12 science and mathematics teachers from across the country. The winners are selected by a panel of distinguished scientists, mathematicians, and educators following an initial selection process at the state level.

Kevin has been a classroom teacher for 16 years, most of which was spent teaching physics at Del Norte High School. He also taught at a small public school in Napa – New Technology High School, where he started practicing project based learning. In an effort to bring a similar school with rigorous project-based learning to Albuquerque, Gant and three colleagues co-founded nex+Gen Academy in collaboration with Sandia Labs, Intel, APS, and the non-profit New Tech Network (NTN). Gant has served as a School Development Coach with NTN, helping to implement and support more than 10 new schools in seven different states, and has trained hundreds of teachers in project-based learning. Gant is an award-winning, National Board Certified Teacher of science and math, and currently team teaches a course integrating English, government, ecology, and statistics at nex+Gen.

Read the compete White House press release “President Obama Honors Outstanding Mathematics and Science Teachers“.

School and the Real World: Kevin Gant at TEDxABQED


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